Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials and Centennials. In this note we clarify the basic points of each generation.
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It is very easy for sociologists and philosophers of the couch to speculate with absolute definitions such as: " Millennials are capricious , they cannot bear commitment"; " Centennials expose their privacy without limits ." In addition, reports draw conclusions about aspects of life as a couple ("millennials prefer to be alone", "they are not romantic", "they prefer a pet or a collection of likes on Facebook"), consumption habits and free time.
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A little playing, and a little not, in almost science fiction terms, the useful thinking of how we humans adapt to our environment and its rapid techno-modifications according to our age.
Baby Boomers (born between 1945 and 1964)
✓ Born post World War II. The name of this generation refers to the “Baby boom” –a rise in the birth rate- of those years.
✓ Work as a way of being and existing: stable, long-term, addictive, not necessarily what they love to do.
✓ They do not spend much time on leisure and recreational activity.
✓ Women of this generation are still entering the labor market. Although the traditional family ideal persists, structures begin to break down.
Generation X (born between 1965 and 1981)
✓ According to a study by the University of Michigan, X men and women work hard but achieve a balance, they are happy with their own lives.
✓ They are the ones who saw the birth of the Internet and technological advances. They are marked by great social changes.
✓ As they are a generation in transition - they were called the Lost Generation and even the Peter Pan Generation - they can make the relationship between technology and active “face-to-face” social life coexist: they participate in events in their community.
✓ They are more likely to be employed (they accept orders from the institutional hierarchy) and balance energy between work, children and leisure time.
✓ They are the parents of Millennials, they make adaptive efforts to the dizziness of the generation that follows.
Generation Y or Millennials (born between 1982 and 1994)
✓ Very adapted to technology. Virtual life is an extension of real life. Although they retain some privacy codes in relation to what they expose or not on the Internet (unlike Centennials, who share everything).
✓ They are multitasking.
✓ They do not leave life at work, they are not "workaholic" (perhaps they observed that their parents were, and they do it differently).
✓ They are enterprising and creative, they try to live from what they love to do. They are idealists.
✓ Entertainment technology fans: users of chat rooms in the 90s and now dating networks. They went through everything: SMS, CD player, MP3, MP4, DVD.
✓ They love to travel, see the world, and upload photos to the networks!
✓ According to studies, their jobs last an average of two years, unlike Generation X and "baby boomers" (more stable). That is why companies go crazy putting together "loyalty" policies.
Generation Z or Centennials (born from 1995 to the present)
✓ They are truly “digital natives” (since childhood they use the Internet).
✓ Self-taught (learn through tutorials), creative (quickly incorporate new knowledge and relate well) and over-informed (high propensity to consume information and entertainment).
✓ They visit networks that their parents do not: an example is Snapchat. They share content from their private lives, they aspire to be YouTubers. His social life passes in a high percentage on the networks.
✓ None of the technology is alien to them.
✓ They spend a lot of their time "in front of screens". Recent studies ensure that they are exposed an average of four times as long as recommended to devices.
✓ Its success is measured in "shared" and "likes".
✓ According to a study carried out by The Futures Company , they are more pragmatic than Millennials, they seek to innovate with “what there is”.
✓ They have not yet entered into working life, but it is observed that they are concerned with finding a vocation according to their tastes, knowing themselves and accepting differences, in an increasingly globalized world.
What generation do you belong to? You identify?