Quotes from Aristotle about friendship, love, happiness, justice, philosopher, pleasure, sacrifice, wisdom, knowledge.
Aristotle, 100+ quotes and thoughts, his most beautiful sentences |
Recognition ages quickly.
The object of war is peace.
Happiness depends on us alone.
Whoever cherishes to excess knows how to hate to excess.
Happiness depends on ourselves.
Good is what everything tends to be.
The energy of the mind is the essence of life.
We do not know anyone except through friendship.
To know oneself is the beginning of all wisdom.
The show of nature is always beautiful.
One becomes a man only by surpassing oneself.
Common sense is inseparable from prudence.
The totality is more than the sum of the parts.
Self-sacrifice is the condition of virtue.
To have many friends is to have no friends.
To do good to others is enlightened egoism.
Happiness is for those who are self-sufficient.
The ignorant states, the learned doubt, the wise thinks.
Happiness is the activity of the soul directed by virtue.
To be generous, you need an abundance of goods.
Courage is the middle ground between fear and daring
No one is good if he does not experience the joy of beautiful actions.
The pleasure in the work puts the perfection in the work.
The happiness of a life can only be appreciated at the end of a lifetime.
There is not a single method for studying things.
It is the discernment that makes the man especially fair.
The more difficult a thing is, the more it demands art and virtue.
We do not know the truth if we do not know the causes.
Think of a cultured man, but speak as a man of the people.
Infinity is not a stable state, but growth itself.
To love is to enjoy, while it is not to enjoy that to be loved.
Self-knowledge is the beginning of all wisdom.
The beginning is much more than half of the goal.
All paid work absorbs and diminishes the spirit.
The actions according to the virtue are agreeable by themselves.
The quality of verbal expression is to be clear without being banal.
At the bottom of a hole or a well, it happens that we see the stars.
The human good resides in an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.
You will know the rightness of your way to what he has made you happy.
Whoever can not be a good disciple can not be a good leader.
The tragedy must contain the duration of its action in a sunrise.
Selfishness is not self-love, but a disorderly passion of self.
Good is not enough to be happy, but evil is enough to make one unhappy.
It is through experience that science and art make their progress among men.
Man is a sociable being; nature did it to live with his fellow men.
Wealth is much more in use than in possession.
Good is not enough to ensure happiness, but evil is enough to ensure misfortune.
There is always some pain as a result of everything we do out of necessity.
You have to behave with your friends as you would like to see them behave with you.
To educate the mind without educating the heart is to have no education at all.
Where your talents and the needs of the world meet, is your vocation.
The philosopher is the one who possesses the totality of knowledge to the extent possible.
The brave man must not be brave either.
Therefore, if one wants to do something in politics, one must be morally virtuous.
Happiness is at the same time the best, the most beautiful and the most pleasant.
One swallow does not make spring; a single moral act does not make virtue.
There is only one way to avoid criticism: say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.
To live well and to do well is nothing else than what we call being happy.
If virtue is not enough to ensure happiness, malice is enough to make one unhappy.
Of all that is in us, science is unquestionably the most stable and the strongest.
To prove things that are clear of themselves is to light the day with a lamp.
Poetry is something more philosophical and of greater importance than history.
It's not the event that upsets us, but the idea we have of the event.
The truly courageous heart will be neither the one who fears everything, nor the one who fears absolutely nothing.
Honesty is the quality of the man who demands less than his rights under the law.
It is the mark of a cultivated mind to be able to feed a thought without guaranteeing it.
Neither honors nor power can corrupt the virtuous man, nor virtue itself.
The misers hoard as if they were to live forever; the prodigals dissipate as if they were going to die.
Men, and we must not be surprised, seem to conceive of good and happiness from the life they lead.
In any action, in any choice, the good is the end, because it is in view of this end that one always accomplishes the rest.
No one willingly supports being wronged; and to suffer an injustice is to wipe harm and damage.
Intellect obviously does not move without desire, whereas desire can move without any reasoning.
To be happy does not mean that everything is perfect. This means that you have decided to look beyond imperfections.
When men are friends, justice is not necessary, but when they are righteous, they still need friendship.
The multitude, of which no member is a virtuous man, can however, by the union of all, be better than the elite.
Anyone can get angry it's easy. What is difficult is to do it to the right extent, at the right time.
Nature always, according to the conditions at her disposal and as much as possible, the most beautiful and the best things.
Friendship is the most necessary thing to live. For without friends no one would choose to live, did he have all the other goods?
The man who, by reason and to fulfill his duty, walks in danger, without fearing anything of this danger, is courageous.
It is by their character that men are what they are, but it is by their actions that they are happy, or the opposite.
Everyone thinks he is very capable of using power, domination, wealth; but it is a very gratuitous and false assumption.
Each human being is born with a unique set of potentialities that aspire to be realized, as surely as the acorn is an oak in power.
The man who wants to acquire by his morality a real consideration, must carefully search the environment in each of the passions he can feel.
In the temperate man, there must be agreement between this faculty (of desire) and reason. Both propose, in fact, the same goal, which is good.
Virtue is what disposes us of punishment and pleasure, so that our conduct is the best possible; vice is precisely the opposite.
Everyone can get angry. But it is difficult to get angry for good reasons and against who deserves it, at the right time and during the time.
A swallow does not make spring, nor a single day of sunshine; likewise it is neither a single day nor a short interval of time that make happiness and happiness.
Science relates only to things which admit demonstration; but the principles are indemonstrable; so that science does not apply to principles, and only intelligence or understanding applies to it.
Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of great intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the judicious choice of many alternatives. It's the choice, not the luck that determines your destiny.
Does this obsession with reduction into presumably simple plots, of separation, of decomposition into simple long chains of reason, which seems to characterize all the manifestations of modern science, incite us to form our judgments by unreasonable myopia?
All the arts, all the methodical researches of the mind, as well as all our thoughtful actions and decisions, always seem to have in view some good that we wish to attain; and this is what makes good good when it is said that it is the object of all wishes.
Nature does nothing in vain. (Metaphysical)
The intention is guilt and the offense. (Rhetoric)
To love is to want someone good. (Rhetoric, II)
The first quality of the style is clarity. (Rhetoric, 4th century BC)
There is no genius without a grain of madness. (Poetic)
Doubt is the beginning of wisdom. (Nicomachean Ethics)
This is not a friend that everyone's friend. (Ethics)
Man is naturally a political animal. (Policy)
What more terrible scourge than injustice with arms in hand? (Policy)
Courage is the first of human qualities because it guarantees all others. (Nicomachean Ethics)
The beginning of all sciences is the astonishment that things are what they are. (Metaphysical)
Virtues are not in us by the action alone of nature, and they are not more advantageous against the vow of nature; but nature has made us susceptible to it, and it is the habit that develops and completes them in us. (Nicomachean Ethics)
Biography of Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC):
Philosopher of Ancient Greece, he saw in philosophy the ordered totality of human knowledge. His work covers logic, ethics, physics, chemistry, biology, botany, zoology, psychology, rhetoric, literary theory, history, epistemology, metaphysics and politics. The extent and variety of his work has earned him the title of "prince of philosophers." His philosophical doctrine is known as Aristotelianism.